How to Preserve The Marble Countertop in Your Kitchen

Image by julesgriff/Flickr

Smooth, velvety marble is elegant and exquisite in the kitchen. Retaining it, however, is tough as it’s very costly, like having a luxurious car which needs high maintenance. Marble expert John Gallo, president of Arcade Marble Inc., provided three vital guidelines for us to know if we have marble countertops at home.

Every 3 to 6 Months, Counters Should be Covered

Gallo says, “Remember, marble is a living, breathing natural product that absorbs and releases liquids,” says Gallo. He recommends putting on Stone sealers every three to six months such as Dupont Bulletproof Sealer or SCI Stone Spray-N-Seal are perfect defense for your marble countertop. “If you see the stone change color and get darker when wet, that means it’s taking on moisture,” he also points so we know when we should act.

Acids Should be Evaded

Citruses and vinegar are some of the acids that might spoil your marble. Acids, if lay open, can affect components of marble so use chopping boards when slicing citric fruits or keep away vinegar-based cleaners.

Clean Stains Directly

Immediately clear what might stain your marble such as spills and sauces using household bleaches. Gallo also advises spreading a ⅜-inch coating of poultice fastening with plastic wrap and have it rest there for overnight so when it dries it will remove the stain. You can call a professional for utmost cases.