Start 2019 Right With a New Bento Lunchbox!

If you are a fan of Japanese food, a bento box might be a menu item that you’ve glanced over at a restaurant. A bento box is just a box that is divided into sections that people in Japan use to fill with all sorts of healthy goodness, and lately, it’s been catching on in the states as well. Whether you are working and want a more practical lunch box or need a better way to organize your child’s lunch, a bento box is definitely the way to go.


Everyone knows that bringing lunch from home is one of the easiest ways to save yourself money. If you’re still buying lunch every day at work, start saving for something special in 2019 and use your lunch box for something that really matters to you. Also, although school lunches aren’t always expensive, you can’t control what your child chooses, so if you want to make sure they’re eating their vegetables, get a bento box.

Portion Control

If you feel like your lunches or your child’s lunches aren’t being well balanced, the bento box is here to help. Because everything is sectioned off, you can actually see how much of everything you’re putting in. So, instead of filling up a bag with chips or pretzels, fit some carrot sticks into one of the sections.