The Best Starbucks Drinks to Get You Into the Fall Spirit

Starbucks drink
Photo by Sorin Sîrbu on Unsplash

When it comes to fall drinks, Starbucks is the place to go. They just know how to do seasonal drinks and the flavors are on point. We wait all year for the fall drinks menu because they’re our favorite of the whole year. These are hands-down the three best fall drinks at Starbucks and they’ll get you into the fall spirit.

Apple Crisp Macchiato

Does it get more American than an Apple Crispy Macchiato? This is one of Starbucks’ latest drinks added to the fall menu and it’s served hot or iced and it features a base of steamed whole milk with espresso shots and brown sugar apple syrup. It’s topped with a caramel-apple drizzle.

Pumpkin Spice Latte

The drink of all fall drinks, the Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) has become synonymous with fall and it’s one of the most popular drinks on the menu. It can be hot or iced and it’s made with pumpkin spice syrup, steamed milk, espresso, and whipped cream.

Caramel Apple Spice

While the Caramel Apple Spice is a fall drink, it’s on the menu year-round. The Caramel Apple Spice is steamed apple juice with cinnamon dolce syrup, whipped cream, and caramel sauce.