Things to Throw Away from Your Closet Right Now

Cleaning out the closet can be an agonizing activity, but the one that leaves you feeling much better in the end. That’s why we made you a list of things you can throw away today without feeling guilty so you get some extra space for all the Christmas shopping you’re going to do.

Sentimental Items

If you don’t wear it and keep it for sentimental purposes only, snap a picture of it and throw it away already.

Things That Don’t Fit You and Never Will

Many of us fluctuate between a few sizes, but we’re talking about things that you’ve had for years and couldn’t wear them. Chances are they won’t ever fit you.

Uncomfortable Clothes

There are those dresses and tops that look great but you feel like hell the whole time you’re wearing them. They are definitely not worth a trouble.

Broken Clothes You Won’t Repair

You may say you will, but if there’s an item in your closet that’s been waiting to be repaired for months, you probably won’t do it ever.