Things You Should be Doing Before 7AM

Photo by David Mao on Unsplash

Nothing can beat a healthy lifestyle, but these small tips could prove to be invaluable to everyone.

Put the phone down

When you open your eyes in the morning, give yourself a moment to wake up before you allow technology to invade your life.

Speak to a loved one

This could be literally anyone. Your dog, your parents, your children, or your partner. Whoever it is, give them a smile and say hello.

Prepare a lunch

Eating out every day is simply not healthy. Avoid this by preparing homemade lunches in the morning.

Compile a to-do list

Before you let the tasks of the day overwhelm you, take a breath and jot down what needs to get done.

Get the heart pumping

There is no need for strenuous exercise, but a small workout in the mornings will work wonders for you.

Take care of your skin

Every skin type is different and requires different care. Find out what works for you and then do it, every morning.

Set aside some alone time

During this time, do whatever makes you happy. Everyone deserves a few minutes of themselves each day.