The Most Effective Mental Health Exercise

Photo by Quentin Keller on Unsplash

Not everyone has hours a week to dedicate to yoga or meditation, but this quick fix will help you keep your Zen even on a Monday morning. It is a breathing technique that focuses on mindfulness and self-improvement. Give it a try:

Inhale through your nose for five seconds.

During this inhale, think about one type of positive energy you wish you felt. Some good ones are happiness, satisfaction, contentment, peace, etc.

Exhale through your mouth for five seconds.

During your exhale, think about a negative emotion you’re latched onto, and physically blow it away! Anxiety, anger, passive aggressiveness, and jealousy are a few examples.


That’s right, go through this breathing cycle until you’ve dropped off every undesirable feeling and picked up a new mindset. It slows you down and allows you reset your mindset. Then get back to your work!