Three Baking Ingredients You Should Always Have

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Whether you have a last minute bake sale or simply a small gathering to prepare for, making baked goods is something you need to prepare for. Luckily, if you keep a few products on hand you’ll never have to worry about running to the grocery store in a frenzy again.

Neutral Oil

In place of butter, there are some recipes where you can use vegetable or canola oil instead. Since its cheap and won’t go bad, a bottle of neutral oil is a must-have.


If you are making a dessert, sugar will most likely be a necessary ingredient. Beyond that, if you mix sugar with only one or two other ingredients, you can make plenty of desserts, such as meringue or caramel.


From brownies to cookies, flour is essential in forming doughs and batters. The great thing about flour is that you can actually store it in the freezer for up to two years! So if you are only an occasional baker, there’s no excuse not to have it on hand.