Three Winter Time Myths Debunked

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

There are so many different myths that are told to us by our friends, coworkers, and parents, about how to stay warm in winter. But, at the end of the day, they just aren’t true! Here are some of the many lies that people believe are the truth about staying warm and healthy during winter.

Wet Hair

Often people say going outside with wet hair will give you a head cold, when in fact, that’s just not true. The only way you get it is by contact with someone who has a cold, not from your head actually being cold.

Exercising Outside

A lot of people think that exercising outside is another way to get yourself sick, but again, it is not true. Provided that you wear proper clothes that will keep you warm and that you warm up before you go outside, you’ll be just fine.


A lot of people think drinking alcohol will keep you warmer, but in fact, it’s just the opposite! Drinking alcohol not only dehydrates you, but it makes your skin flush, which draws away heat from other parts of your body that need it more. Even if you might feel warmer, it’s effects of the alcohol giving you a false sense of heat.