Why is Buying Local Produce Important?

Photo by Anne Preble on Unsplash

If you’re wondering what the hype is behind buying locally sourced items, you’re not alone. You might have been to a farmers market and been surprised at home expensive things are and thought it’s not worth your time or money. But, it really is for so many reasons, economically and environmentally especially in the long term.

What Does Local Mean?

When someone says to shop local, it means to buy products and produce that has been grown in your area. This means that it doesn’t have to travel far to get to you, which reduce air pollution and amps up freshness, and thereby, flavor.


Buying local produce from a farmers market might be more expensive at times, but your money is going towards people in your community and not a big corporation who is also polluting the planet. Local farmers work hard to produce organic and sustainable foods, so in the end, if the price is higher because the food is actually better. Also, you’re putting money back into your community which always pays off.


When you want tomatoes in December, it takes a lot of energy and produces a lot of waste since they’re not in season. Buying local means you’re buying seasonal products that are better for the environment.