3 Healthy Food Trends to Add to Your Daily Menu in 2022

Healthy food trends
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

The list of emerging food trends for 2022 is pretty much endless, and some of them are here to inspire us to eat healthier in the New Year. From finding plant-based alternatives to our favorite foods and drinks to embracing a more sustainable approach to our diet, here are some of the leading healthy food trends of 2022.

Eco-Friendly Diet

Plant-based food alternatives have been around for quite some time, and they’ll be going stronger than ever in 2022. As more people try to embrace a more eco-conscious approach to their diet, the food market will follow, and we’ll be able to find more vegan options at our local restaurants and supermarkets.

Potato Milk

Speaking of eco-conscious foods, the Swedish brand DUG Foods is hailing potato milk as the most sustainable alternative to dairy. Many plant-based milk substitutes found huge success in the past few years, and time will tell if potato milk will become the new almond milk.

Sunflower Butter

Peanut butter alternatives are also showing up everywhere these days, and it seems cashew butter and almond butter will become so passé in 2022. It’s time for the sunflower butter to get its moment in the spotlight, and it’s already being used in many ice cream flavors.