3 Life-Saveing Laundry Hacks

Image via Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

Doing the laundry is definitely one of the least loved house chores to do. But, you must do the wash, if you don’t want to remain naked and without clean clothes, right? We share some great tricks that will ease your laundry life.

Use Mouth Wash For Disinfection

If you don’t want to cultivate bacteria in your washing machine, you must disinfect it from time to time. There are special soaps that can be found in the stores, but why to spend extra money when there is a much affordable and cheaper version? Instead, add a half a glass of mouthwash to the area where you usually put the detergent and start the full washing circle.

Aspirin Pills For Whiter Clothes

Is your detergent not doing its job properly? Are your whites aren’t white as you would like to? Don’t worry! A couple of aspirin pills will save the day! Put them into the washing machine and voila! Say hello to your shiny white clothes.

Tinfoil Balls For No Electricity

Have you ever thought that tinfoil balls are great for absorbing the state electricity in your clothes? Well, now you know. Put few into the machine and the static charge will be absorbed.
