4 Ways Your Phone is Damaging Your Skin

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Nowadays, it seems like we can’t go a single day without our digital companions – phones. A phone is there for you when you need to check your email, texts, social media, or to take a photo, write down a note, and many other things. But unlike you, your skin doesn’t love it. Whenever you make a call or send a text, you risk skin damaging. These are the 4 most common ways phone slowly ruins your skin. When you’re well-informed, you can prevent these things from happening again in the future.



Your skin loses elasticity as you constantly hold your head down while browsing your phone. This phenomenon is called techneck. Bonus: if you need extra effort to read the tiny text on your phone, you’re more prone to getting wrinkles around your eyes.


It may sound gross, but you should know that your phone contains more bacteria than an average toilet seat. Just think about all the times you touched your phone with dirty hands and it will become uncomfortably clear why. Now, if you touch your face after touching your phone, don’t be surprised by strange acne on your face.

Dark Circles

All electronics, including phones, emit blue light that can make falling asleep more difficult. If you browse your phone before bed and have trouble falling asleep after it, dark circles may develop around your eyes.


Next time you notice a weird rash on your face, consider that your phone might be to blame. Recent studies have shown that nickel and chrome from phone’s hardware can cause allergic skin reaction.