DIY Mask for Nail Growth

Photo by Kris Atomic on Unsplash

There are two types of girls: those who can have pretty, long nails with no effort and those with nails that can never grow enough – no matter what they do. Despite many products available in stores, sometimes it seems that there’s nothing that can help. However, with just a few natural ingredients, you can easily make your own mask that will help your nails grow faster and be healthier.


Four simple ingredients: honey, cocoa, coconut oil, and lemon juice. Each of these ingredients has an important role. Honey is extremely nourishing, cocoa provides vitamins and minerals, coconut oil provides shine and enhances growth, while lemon juice removes yellow stains that you sometimes get from nail polishes.

You don’t need too much of these, just a tbsp of honey, tbsp of coconut oil, juice from half the lemon, and half a tbsp of cocoa. Blend everything together and apply to your nails and the skin around them. Keep massaging into the skin for around 10 minutes, then rinse. Apply every day until you’re satisfied with the effect. After your nails are as long as you want them, keep them healthy by applying this mask once every two weeks.