Can’t Sleep At Night? Follow These Life-Saving Tips

Image via Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Lack of sleep can cause serious health problems: it affects your hormones and brain functions and can make you grumpy and miserable. Do you have sleeping issues? Follow these tips if you want to sleep like a baby.

Avoid Blue Light

Blue light has a huge effect on your brain, so if you want to rest well, put your smartphones away two hours before going to bed. Or if you just can’t live without your electronics, wear glasses that block blue light or install an application that has a blue light shield.

Snoozing Is Good

Short, power naps won’t affect your sleeping routine, as long as they remain short. However, daytime sleeps that are 30 minutes or longer can have a negative connotation on your body.

Avoid Eating Before Bed

Food and drinks can affect your sleep, so avoid having food before your bedtime. Leave at least 2 to 3 hours, so your whole body can relax. Drinking alcohol right before bed is also a big no-no. Same goes for caffeine as well.

Take Supplements

Ginkgo biloba, magnesium, lavender, valerian root, and glycine are great for treating insomnia. It will reduce relaxation and help you sleep.