Cool DIY Ideas With Mason Jars

Mason jars are so versatile that you can spend time on transforming them into something useful for the home. Aside from storing your salad or meal for work, these DIY projects are meant for everyone.


Get those mason jars in action and you can create a gorgeous chandelier. It’s definitely not the easiest DIY project, but no one will have the same lightpiece like you do . Get creative and you’ll have so much fun.

Flower Vases

These jars can be either vases or pots for your flowers. You can start coloring them in different shades to match the vibe of your little home garden. It’s so simple and creative.

Use Them For Your Beauty Products

Add a pump to mason jars and they can be containers for your beauty products. It can be things as simple as liquid soap, up to lotion, essential oils and so much more. Also work on the exterior of the jars by marking the products that you’ll keep there under a name to make things easier.

Cute Storage Jars

This is a DIY project for the whole family. Everyone can paint their own jar and store items in it. It’s so much fun!