Drink These Teas During Your Time of the Month and It’ll Go By in a Snap

Photo by Miti on Unsplash

A lot of things are happening during your period, and often they are unpleasant. Whether you get bloated, have bad cramps, or upset stomach, there is so much that can go wrong.

However, if you take care of your body during this time it’ll pass by smoother and make your life a whole lot easier. Drinking tea is the best way to go for so many reasons, first of foremost for hydration but also for the reasons listed below.


If you are one to get cramps during your period, consider drinking peppermint or chamomile tea. Both of these teas have anti-inflammatory properties that will help soothe your cramps, but chamomile also has a protein that will help relax your muscles and decrease muscle spasms.


Ginger has been used to aid digestion for ages, so it’s no surprise that it can help with bloating during your period as well. Beyond that, it will also help other digestion problems like nausea and pain overall.


If you have tender areas of your body before or during your period such as your breasts, calves, etc, drinking dandelion tea is the perfect one for you. Dandelion tea is a diuretic and helps move some of the water from the tender parts of your body to other areas, making them less sore and uncomfortable.
