Easy Ways to Make Waking Up Easier

Photo by David Mao on Unsplash

If you aren’t a morning person, it can be really difficult to wake up. A lot of people think by slurping down a cup of coffee they will feel more awake, which is sometimes true, but it’s much better to actually feel awake by doing things naturally instead of relying on a substance. If you want some alternatives to your morning cup of joe to feel awake, this is the guide for you.

Sleep With Your Blinds Open

Although this seems like a silly thing to do, it is much healthier to sleep in a room that isn’t totally pitch black. One good reason why is because the sun will wake you up naturally, which is actually good for your body.

Drink Water

Dehydration can actually make you feel sleepier, and your body gets super dehydrated during the night while you sleep. Drinking a glass of water right when you wake up will actually help your body function better and make you feel more awake.


Exercise is an amazing way to wake up your body, as well as set an intention for the rest of the day. Exercising not only makes you feel more awake, but it’s also been proven to help with focus!