How to Start Using Your Phone Less

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

In this day and age, there’s no way someone can get around not having a phone. People use it for work, to make plans, get directions, and more. But if you feel like you’ve been on your phone too much, you’re probably not wrong. An average person in the US will spend 3 hours per day on their phone, and if you want to find ways to use it less, check out these tips.

Alarm Clock

A lot of folks use their phones as alarm clocks. However, that can often lead to scrolling through social media right after you click the stop button. Instead, invest in a real alarm clock and leave your phone outside of your bedroom. To go a step further, try and wait 1 hour after you wake up to start using your phone.


Instead of using your phone for directions all the time, start studying maps of where you live so you can actually get around without having to stare at your phone all the time.

Night Usage

The blue light from your cell phone actually might not help you sleep, so to lower your usage and get you to sleep faster and longer, stop using your phone for 1 hour before you go to sleep. Instead, take that time to read, meditiate, or write.