How to make your home Easter-ready in a second?

Image via tlcinteriors/Instagram

Easter is right around the corner, and you still haven’t decorated your house? Don’t worry! Here are some amazing and creative ideas which will inspire you to make your home festive and ready for the holidays. You don’t need to buy expensive Easter decorations, all you need is a little bit of your time and your imagination! Making your own DIY decorations isn’t just about saving money, it shows off your creativity and it adds to your home the touch of your personality and soul.

Inexpensive styrofoam eggs can be used in different ways: you can paint them, draw on them, decorate them as you like or even use their shape to make chickens, bunnies out of them. But, if you prefer real eggs try playing with eggshells.

If you are hosting the Easter lunch at your home and you want to impress your guests, make bunnies from napkins or make an unusual centerpiece for your table.

To make your home brighter, buy some cheap colorful flowers from the supermarket and make your own flower arrangements. Put them in a mason jar or a fancy vase, and voila! Not only that it will make a beautiful Easter decor, but it will also smell great.