New Year’s Resolutions That Go Beyond Joining a Gym

Photo by Chris Gilbert on Unsplash

Right around the holidays, people start thinking about the New Year’s resolutions they’re going to make for the following year, most of them have to do with losing weight or joining a gym. But, if you are serious about making a change in your life this year, think about some of these more thoughtful New Year’s resolutions.

Self Love

Instead of criticizing yourself this year, try to practice self-love, the act of literally loving yourself more. That can be in the form of daily affirmations, ending the day with a journal entry about one thing you accomplished for the day, or sweet sticky notes on your mirror to read every morning.


If you can do one thing for your health this year, drink more water. Even if you don’t feel like you can cut out any soda or coffee from your life, try to add least add in one more cup every day. If you do it first thing in the morning, even better!

Read One Book

Some people say that there’s just no time in their lives for books. But, if you make a goal for yourself to read just one throughout the year, even if it’s just one page a day, you’ll be proud of yourself and probably even surprise yourself by reading even more than one.