The Surprising Benefits of a Cold Shower

Shower head
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

Whilst it might be hard to imagine stepping into a stream of cold water in the winter, taking cold showers (or at least turning down the temperature dial at the end of your shower) have been proven to provide an amazing range of benefits. If you’re tempted to try it, start with 10 seconds of cold water at the end of your shower, and build up by 2 seconds each time. Before long, your body will get used to it and you’ll soon start to see the amazing benefits – if you need some convincing, check out this list of the three main ones here.

Mood Boost

In the winter, most of us could do with a dose of cheer every now and again. The cold weather and dark evenings can make staying happy a challenge. Although a cold shower may seem unconnected to your mental health, several studies have shown that time spent immersed in cold water can improve levels of serotonin and increase levels of energy. If you want to step out of your shower feeling chirpy and ready for the day, set the dial to cold for just 10 seconds and experience the difference it can make.

Skin Smoother

At many of us struggle with rough and dry skin in the winter, turning down the temperature in your shower can be a great way to combat this. Hot water makes dry skin worse, and can also lead to itching and flaking which are annoying and uncomfortable. The cold water will also benefit your hair, especially if it is on the ry and frizzy side. Keep your shower as low as you can handle forthe start, before lowering the temperature to cold for the last few seconds before you hop out.

Immunity Strengthener

There is increasing evidence that getting your body used to standing under cold water can help strengthen your immune system to fight off coughs and colds. At this time of year, avoiding illness is many people’s priority, so turn that shower down low and feel it delivering a great dose of health to your body.

Cold showers may not sound like much fun, but they can be a quick and easy way to boost your mood, skin and hair health and your immunity, so experiment with the temperature dial and see the difference it can make for you.