These Health Myths Won’t Help Your Upset Stomach

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There are always health myths floating around, some that have existed since childhood. One of the culprits are the numerous ways people claim to heal and upset stomach. Even if someone you trusted told you about one of these methods, science has proven that they are not effective. If you’re still using some of these methods, they can not only be unhelpful, but they can actually make things worse.

Ginger Ale

Ginger ale has been one of the go-to drinks for people with an upset stomach for a long time. The myth came about because ginger has been used for years to cute stomach ailments including nausea and other digestive issues. However, ginger ale has almost no ginger in it, making it useless. Instead, make some ginger tea so you can actually get the benefits of the ginger.

Sparkling Water

Sparkling water or club soda has been another drink that is often prescribed for an upset stomach, but this cure can actually make things much worse. This is because all the carbonation can create more gas in your stomach, making you feel bloated and probably even worse. Instead, drink regular water so keep yourself hydrated, especially if you’re going to the bathroom a lot.