Try to Make Art Even If You’re No Picasso

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Art is one of the most important things in society for so many reasons. Many scientific links have been proven to show that children succeed better academically if they are exposed to art from a young age, but what about adults? Even if you’ve never taken an art class before, there are still many benefits to creating art as an adult. Here are some ways you can incorporate art into your life.

Studies have shown that creating art can release stress and reduce anxiety, so if you have a stressful job, you really should consider making some art. Just 30-45 minutes will decrease your cortisol levels, which is the hormone responsible for stress. You can pick up a watercolor palette if you want something a little delicate, or get some typical acrylic paints if you want to make something with texture and body.

Did you ever doodle while you were in school and have your teacher tell you off for it? Well, studies have shown that the brain actually can focus better if you’re mindlessly doodling! So if you’re in a job where you have to take notes at a meeting, let your coworkers know beforehand and try to do some doodling and see if you don’t soak in the information a little better.