Why You Should Own a Citrus Squeezer

A citrus squeezer is a great little kitchen gadget to have, especially if you are a fan of citrus. It cuts out a lot of time from having to juice any sort of citrus, as well as catches all the seeds which speed up any cooking process immensely. But, a citrus squeezer does more than that and is especially good to have around the holidays. To find out what else it can do, read on!

A citrus squeezer is also your perfect handheld nutcracker! All you have to do is put in your whole chestnuts, walnuts, or almonds and crack away! This a neat trick to know because most people don’t own a nutcracker since it’s not really all that useful in day to day cooking. But, buying nuts in their shell is normally the cheaper way to go and almost always taste fresh than already shelled nuts, so buy yourself a citrus squeezer and give it a go!

One recipe where a citrus squeezer is absolutely crucial is in a key lime pie. The key limes are so small and there are so many on them necessary for the filling that by using a citrus squeezer you’ll save yourself and your fingers ample time.