Why You Should Buy A Calendar For 2019

Photo by Hey Beauti Magazine on Unsplash


With New Years just around the corner, everyone is starting to think of resolutions they would like to make. Although a lot of times they are too adventurous to be accomplishable, there is one thing you can do that is super easy; keep a calendar. Although there are apps that do the same job, having a real tangible calendar is actually super helpful and you can completely customize it to your taste.

Beyond Organization

A lot of the time people think that calendars are just to write down doctors appointments and meetings. However, you can take it way beyond that and make good use of it! One thing you can use your calendar for is to write down fun events or parties you went to with your friends after it happened. Then you can look back and think about the fun you had, almost like a diary.


Calendars can really add a lot aesthetically to your bedroom, fridge, or wherever you like to keep it. There are so many artistic styles it is worth looking out for a good one. A great place to look is your local independent bookstore so you can also participate in your local economy!