The Easiest Way To Get Your Blanket Into Your Duvet Cover

The worst part about washing your bedding is when it comes to the duvet cover. Most people tend to ignore it, thinking that it’s not necessary to wash it. However, that couldn’t be more wrong! Just as your sheets touch all parts of your body, so does your duvet cover. That is only there so you don’t have to constantly wash your blanket. The difference is that duvet covers are much more annoying to get back onto your bed, but not anymore. Follow this guide and you’ll be slipping the blanket back in just minutes.


  1. Start off by flipping your duvet cover inside out and lay it either on your bed or on a clean floor.
  2. Then, [ut your blanket or comforter right on top of it so the corners match up.
  3. Reach inside your duvet cover and grab the farther corner with your hand so you also have the blanket in there as well.
  4. Do the same for the other side. At this point, you should be in control of both of the farther ends of the duvet cover and blanket.
  5. Finally, stand up and shake out the material. You will see the duvet cover fall over the blanket easily and all you have to do is tuck in the bottom corners and you’re ready for bed!