Four Ways to a Brighter Smile

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

They say a smile is your best accessory. If you want to make it the best it can be, that means a brighter, whiter smile. Read on to achieve your smile potential!

Whitening Strips

This is the most popular option. Crest, Colgate, and many other brands make Whitestrips, varying in the amount of bleach used. Crest One Hour Express treatments make the most drastic effect.

Whitening Light

There have been hundreds of posts on Instagram by your favorite influencers sporting a LED light. These lights shine on your teeth for 20-30 minutes twice a day and are said to brighten up your smile.

Charcoal Toothpaste

While it makes your teeth look dark at first, activated charcoal toothpaste whitens teeth by binding to stains to remove them. It’s a natural way to clean your teeth.

Remove Coffee And Soda From Your Diet

If you truly want white teeth, you have to make changes to what you put in your mouth. Coffee and soda both stain the teeth, so either slowly remove them from your diet, or only drink the beverages with a straw.