Fruits to Look Out For Around the World

Photo by Israel Egío on Unsplash

Depending on where you come from, your supply of exotic fruits might be limited. Even if you do have a wide variety, if you aren’t living where the fruit is being grown, they will never taste the same. That’s why it’s so important when you’re traveling to eat what’s available around you and experience new tastes!


Although most people have enjoyed them before, there is nothing like a pomegranate from Israel. One of the native species of plants to the country, the pomegranates there are bigger, juicier, and so much more delicious than anywhere else.


A mangosteen is a really interesting looking fruit on the outside, almost like a plum, but on the inside resembles that of a lychee. It is a very sweet fruit, said to taste something like a strawberry and a peach. Native to Southeast Asia, you can find this fruit in countries like Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines.

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Passion Fruit

The passion fruit is an amazing fruit that is native to countries such as Brazil. The hard exterior leads to an inside that is a stunning yellow and black. The taste of the passion fruit is fairly tart but is so aromatic that it gives a slightly sweet flavor.