How to Make Your Nails Healthier

Photo by allison christine on Unsplash

Dry, brittle nails are annoying and can be unsightly, especially if you have hopes of a glossy, natural manicure. These issues are often made worse in the winter, as the colder, wetter weather can impact the health of our skin, hair, and nails. If you’re looking to improve and strengthen the condition of your nails, look no further than these top tips on maximizing your nail health.

Moisturize Daily

You’ll want to start moisturizing your nails, at least once daily. The best product for this is petroleum jelly (or Vaseline), but the issue is that it’s incredibly greasy. Try massaging it into your nails at night just before bed, and using a more lightweight moisturizer during the day.

Eat Well

What you’re eating can have a huge impact on your nail health. Make sure to get all of your greens in, as well as plenty of oily fish, nuts, and seeds. Keeping up your protein intake is also important, so reach for the tofu and beans if you’re vegan, or the fish, lean meats, and eggs if you’re not.

Avoid Hot Water

One of the worst culprits for drying and weakening nails is hot water. Whilst it’s impossible to entirely avoid it, make sure you’re wearing gloves when washing up, and reduce the temperature of your shower as low as possible to benefit your hair, nails, and skin.