A Simple Trick for Cleaning a Cheese Grater

Grated cheese is a perfect addition to many different dishes, but do you sometimes skip it just because you hate cleaning the grater when you're done? The dishwasher doesn't do the trick; you have to do it manually every single time. But how can you clean your cheese grater quickly and with no effort? The...

20 Shades of Blond: A Preview of Different Shades

All hair colors are gorgeous, but blond has always been the most popular choice. One of the reasons is the diversity of shades. It's similar to a red lipstick - if you think you can't pull it off, you just haven't found the right shade for you. Below are 20 essential shades of blonde you...

Black & White Wall Art for Stylish Interiors

Black and white art on the walls can turn any space into a stylish, sophisticated room. It can be as complicated or as minimal as you wanted, and you can even give it a try and create something yourself. It's great for calming down a colorful room and give it some character at the same...

See How Good a Camper Trailer Can Look

Traveling with a camper trailer can have many benefits compared to a classic road trip, but it also comes with significant downsides. However, when a trailer looks this good, it's hard to resist traveling all the time. Designer Bonnie Christine and her family wanted to buy a trailer and redo it and the result is...

These Wooden Watches Are The Big Fall Trend

If you are into natural things, and you just want to differ from others this fall, then this watch made out of wood is the perfect accessorize for you. Planetwear is an Amsterdam based shop which makes its products out of wood. The idea of handcrafting wooden watches was born in 2013. and the story...