Two Ways Antioxidants Can Make Your Skin Condition Better

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Antioxidants are needed for our healthy life because of their effects on our overall health. They are unmatched at keeping our body immune to various worst-case scenarios concerning our health.

So, just as antioxidants are right for your body, they are also beneficial for our skin condition maintenance. Applying products formulated with antioxidants could be the best choice for your skin health. We will show you now two of the biggest benefits antioxidants can offer your skin, READ OUR FREE EBOOK

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throughout my life, i’ve been told more than once that i am “very disciplined.” i always felt weird when people would say that, because i felt like it implied that i was doing things that were difficult, things that i didn’t want to do but felt i “should.” like a self-punishment of sorts. despite being praised for it, being “disciplined” didn’t feel like something i necessarily wanted to have as a personal characteristic, and in many cases it didn’t feel accurate to my experience. but last night, i was at a talk by a friend of mine @brandilyn_tebo, and she said something (among many other things) that i LOVED. she explained that the word “discipline” comes from the word “disciple,” which is someone who lovingly devotes themselves to something they believe in. to truly be disciplined means to dedicate yourself from a place of love. so, yes, i am disciplined. proudly so. i eat healthy, whole, plant-based foods (right now, mostly locally sourced) not because i think i “should,” but because i LOVE that i can. i so wholeheartedly believe in every part of eating this way. i try to meditate every morning because it is a meaningful practice to me. i love how it helps me to stay connected to myself and to the greater whole of life. i run 4-6 days each week because i love the way it makes me feel – it’s like a joy ride for my body. these are not things i HAVE to do. these are gifts i choose to give myself. if you ever feel like you want to be more disciplined about different lifestyle choices, remember this: discipline is NOT having the willpower to do things that you feel like you “should” do in order to be good enough, in order to prove yourself, in order to meet the expectations of someone else – these are all fear-based motivations. discipline is lovingly devoting yourself to practices that truly matter to you and align with your values. go forth to build healthy habits from a place of LOVE. 😘 xo

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Benefit #1: protection against free radicals

Free radicals are caused by environmental factors like UV rays, cigarette smoke, and pollution. Antioxidants are protecting us from free radicals. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, most plants possess antioxidant activity to live outdoors, so this sort of skin protection through antioxidants is an entirely natural way to live healthily and have healthy skin.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information also supports this idea through a study which shows that antioxidants can neutralize free radicals from the environment. So when you apply a product formulated with antioxidants, you are doing good to your skin, and you keep it protected against those harmful free radicals.

Benefit #2: anti-aging

If you are focused on anti-aging of your skin, antioxidants are your best companion in such an endeavor. New technologies allow for antioxidants to be extracted from plants in their purest forms, which may help skin care formulas become entirely naturally – derived in the future.