Your Sneakers Do Have an Expiration Date

Photo by Lefteris kallergis on Unsplash

A lot of people only stop wearing their sneakers when they feel like getting a new pair, which can really vary in time depending on the person. However, it is actually important to change your sneakers, whether you’re just someone who walks in them or uses them to run or exercise.

Some people state that there’s a specific number of miles that you should change your shoes at, just like tires on a car. However, this isn’t really scientific and doesn’t have much to fall back on. The best thing to do is to get a new pair of shoes when they really start to feel different than how they first felt when you bought them.

A good way to keep your shoes in tip-top shape is to air them out between uses, so the moisture that accumulates in them throughout the day can dry. Also, try to rotate the sneakers you use so you don’t wear one pair out too much.

One way to keep the sneakers you like without having to sacrifice the actual style is by buying your sneakers on a buy 1 get 1 free deal, so you can keep the same style but change out the physical shoe.