Spending Time with Your Loved Ones Can Improve Your Health

Humans are social beings by nature and we can’t survive on our own. We need to communicate and bond with other people not only for fun, but because of our mental health as well. Spending quality time with our friends and family can impact our lives in more ways than we could ever imagine. Let’s find out how!...

Your Definitive Guide to Sustainable Fashion

Trends may come and go but there's one super hot trend right now that is promising to stick around. That trend is sustainable fashion. While ethically conscious brands are doing their best to reduce the impact their production process has on the environment, the task also falls on us, the consumers, to start thinking...

5 Best Herbs to Grow Indoors

Growing your own products is the best thing you can do. There are so many vegetables and fruits that you can plant in the garden but to make things even better, here are the best herbs to grow indoors. Chives Chives are the perfect addition to your meals, so why not plant them at home. These...

Quick DIY Beauty Products You Should Try

Today, there are lots of body scrubs and facemasks on the market. The products work well, but if you’re on a budget, you can try these DIY natural beauty products for a healthier and younger looking skin. Body exfoliation Make your own moisturizing exfoliant with sugar, and olive oil. Use a small container for the mixture....

Improve Your Workout With a Piece of Dark Chocolate

It’s hard to imagine that a delicious piece of chocolate and a quality workout could ever be mentioned in the same sentence. However, experienced personal trainers Ryan and Eric Johnson claim that dark chocolate can actually improve your workout. "Dark chocolate releases dopamine and has a lot of benefits such as vasodilation which is basically that pump that...