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Some people avoid gym showers at all costs, but if you have to go to work or run errands after your sweat session, they’re pretty much impossible to avoid. Here’s a couple of ground rules you should follow the...
When she’s not acting or singing, Lucy Hale likes to make time for a good workout on a daily basis. The 30-year-old actress claims her fitness routine helps her stay motivated and focused. "When I've incorporated exercising into my life,...
Back pain is one of the most common medical problems nowadays, especially among people who spend most of their day sitting. Fortunately, there are many exercises that can help us prevent and ease this pain. Make this workout a...
A foam roller is exactly what it sounds like; a log of either thick styrofoam or sometimes another material that you roll your body onto. The purpose of a foam roller is to give your muscles a massage of...
If it’s been a while since you've done any exercise, it can be pretty hard (and stressful) to establish a fitness routine again. If this seems like an impossible thing to do, read on to find out how to...
Signing up for a new fitness program isn’t simply about staying in good shape. It can also do wonders for your emotional well-being, as long as you find an activity that suits you and keeps your stress levels under...
Many people can’t imagine their life without carbonated drinks, but there are a time and place where you definitely shouldn’t drink them. No matter how delicious it may be, soda drinks don’t belong at the gym and here’s why...
Having the right equipment is essential if you want to be protected when doing any physical activity. Running shoes are the first thing you need to get if you are a runner. The rest of the athletic wear is...
A wobbly and insecure posture is something no one likes. If you've noticed that your body has been having troubles with standing straight and tall, you can try these tips to improve balance. Trying out different types of exercises...
You finally did it! You've just signed up for your gym membership and you’re ready for your first class. If you’re feeling insecure and don’t know what to expect the first time you enter a gym, we have a...

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