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There are times when you are simply too tired to go to the gym, so you want to exercise at home. These are the best fitness equipment pieces to buy if you want to workout at home. Kettlebell It comes in...
If you're working out and trying to stay healthy, you are also probably hitting the gym several times a week. The chances are you're also doing some of these bad gym habits you need to break ASAP. You Don't...
Joining a gym is the first step towards reaching your fitness goals and leading a healthy lifestyle, but there’s still a long journey ahead of you. If you’re feeling a little bit out of place in the beginning, follow...
We’re all trying to develop healthy habits and exercise on a regular basis, but taking rest days in between your workouts is equally important. If you’re feeling guilty about skipping a day at the gym, it’s time to remember...
Kelsey Wells is a fitness trainer who inspires more than 2 million followers on her Instagram page. Her fitness journey began only five years ago when she started a healthy eating and exercise plan that would completely transform her...
It’s hard to imagine that a delicious piece of chocolate and a quality workout could ever be mentioned in the same sentence. However, experienced personal trainers Ryan and Eric Johnson claim that dark chocolate can actually improve your workout. "Dark chocolate releases...
Most people try to lose calories by running, but we have great news for all of you who hate this sport. There are many other ways to stay healthy and in shape and what’s best – they’re all free! Make any of...
Training for a marathon is one of the most challenging feats you could possibly undertake, especially if you’re new to the whole thing. Follow these three essential steps if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the preparations. Proper Pacing Running a marathon isn’t just about speed, and...
Training on a regular basis isn’t simply about getting your body into great shape. It should also help you keep your mood in check and aid your mental health. Boxing is one of the best sports for your emotional...
Whether you're a fitness buff or the occasional jogger, there is one muscle that across the board doesn't get stretched enough until it's too late: your glutes. Although it might seem silly to have to stretch your butt, your...

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